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  • Writer's pictureSouthport Cybercards

September Events/Fundraising

Southport Robotics

September Events/Fundraising

  1. Friday 9/6 Homecoming Parade (Bring Candy!)

  2. Saturday 9/7 Kick off Avon (bus leaves from SHS)

  3. Saturday 9/14 Dine to Donate Panda Express (will send out flier)

  4. Saturday 9/21 Southport Fall Festival (12-6 pm need volunteer will have a display, game, and selling goods)

  5. Tuesday 9/21 Dine to Donate Ritters (6-7:30 pm need volunteers will have display)

  6. Wednesday 10/2 Dine to Donate Cousin’s subs (will send out flier)

Please scan the code below so we know if you can help in any way. Thank you to

everyone who has already sent in snacks, and other donations. Your support is

greatly appreciated! LINK

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