The kids voted to join the homecoming parade this year. Which means that we need:
Getting candy to pass out
An 8 foot trailer
All the kids need to stay after school on Friday, September 6, 2024 to finalize the float.
Maybe pizzas or something to feed them on Friday Sept. 6.
Picked up at 7:15 in the back by the tennis courts.
I still need to find an 8ft trailer. If you know anyone who would let us use theirs that would be great.General Homecoming Stuff:
Wednesday, September 4, 2024: Powder Puff Game at 6PM at Cardinal Stadium
Friday, September 6, 2024: Homecoming parade. We will begin judging floats and banners starting at
4:15PM. Please have your float on the circle drive and ready to be judged by 4PM.
4:00PM --- Have your float on the front circle drive
4:15PM --- Float and banner judging (on the front circle drive)
5:30PM --- Parade starts
6:30PM --- Parade ends
7:00PM --- Game vs Columbus North (Bulldogs) At half time of the game, the HC King and Queen, float, banner and spirit winner will be announced.
PLEASE HELP: by bringing candy and making sure that your child is here.